Frequently asked questions.
When does registration open?
If you navigate to the sport you are looking for on this website, you can click the REGISTER button for the specific team you want to sign up for. A new window will open up, prompting you to log-in to your Sports Connect account. Once you do, it will direct you to the registration page for that sport. If registration hasn’t opened yet, it will show how many days until it does.
You can always email the Rec Director with questions at recdirector@londonderryvt.org
I am Struggling with my Sports Connect Account…Please Help!!!
Trust us, we understand. Sometimes the Sports Connect page can be super frustrating. Try THIS first…
If that didn’t help, email the Rec Director at recdirector@londonderryvt.org
What Happened to the old Sports Connect page?
It’s still there and can be directly accessed here: https://leagues.bluesombrero.com/mountaintowns
What’s the relationship between MTR, WRSA, and FBAA?
For decades, youth sports have been run quite well, but two non-profits, West River Sports Association (WRSA) and Flood Brook Athletic Association (FBAA). But these entities are 100% run by volunteers. For several years, there was discussion of a position that could facilitate the administration of these youth sports and allow the volunteers to focus on raising funds and putting on events to support the youth programs. Introduce the Moutain Towns Recreation Director in 2023 who splits their time between administering youth sports, maintaining and developing Londonderry Parks, and bringing together and growing recreation and leisure opportunities in the Mountain Town region. All the groups still exist and work cohesively to support all their similar mission statements.